The People’s Republic of China is one of the powerhouses of sports in the world and after the successful Beijing Olympics in 2022, China is getting ready to host The World Games in 2025 in which muaythai is one of the participating sports.
For over 20 years, the Chinese Wushu Association, IFMA and FAMA has worked closely together to enhance and promote muaythai and certainly the Chinese National Sport, Wushu, to the world. We all remember the successful World Combat Games in 2010 in Beijing. IFMA has a strong MoU with the People’s Republic of China and all muaythai gyms in China work under the National Federation.

An important meeting took place between the Chinese leadership, Mr. Zshanglei, the President of IFMA, Dr. Sakchye Tapsuwan, and the Director General of IFMA, Ms. Charissa Tynan. The continued focus will reside on education for the referees and technical officials under the One Standard Muaythai Education Programme and over 250 referees and judges from all Chinese regions participated in this seminar supervised by the Chair of IFMA Referee Commission, Ajahn Somchai Sripiew.

The 3-day event covered all rules and regulations, the important safety expectations for a referee and the strict fair play code of conduct of IFMA for the technical officials. The next workshop will be held in the second part of the year and now the qualification process has started for the World Games 2025. IFMA is proud of their strong cooperation with the sports administration of the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese Muaythai Association.