The fundamental values of Muaythai are built on 5 important pillars, Respect, Honour, Tradition, Fair-play and Excellence; which are also the foundations of the Olympic Movement. IFMA follows a strict code of ethics as we believe in order to be an example, we must set an example.
Muaythai is more than a sport; it is a way of life, practiced equally by men and women, boys and girls for fitness, self-defence, competition and a cultural art.
The IFMA Organisation is based on a strict framework and principle that ensures non-discrimination and inclusion, safety and fairness of each family member, especially the athletes on the basis of gender identity and sexual characteristics.

This requires the involvement of all Muaythai stakeholders: to show grace as much in defeat as we do in victory. We must honour the future generation as much as we do our forefathers and mothers. We must honour our opponents as much as we do our teammates. Showing respect for one another, towards the rules and regulations of IFMA, and upholding a spirit of solidarity.
The fostering of Muaythai’s historical roots and all cultural aspects and customs inherent in the sport from its ancient origins. Where giving back to society has stood at the essence of the sport since two thousand years ago and today with the expansion of Muaythai globally, this trait has continued and not been forgotten. The world is a fast moving place, but the traditions and values of our past generations must be treasured.
The practice by all IFMA stakeholders of a respectful involvement regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or nationality. Respect for one another, regardless of gender, social standing, religion, abilities, race or age. If there is no respect there is no survival. Athletes display the highest respect for one another whether one wins or loses.
Promoting the highest levels of achievement in competition, coaching, and officiating. The pursuit of excellence in continuing to ensure that all Muaythai practitioners and stakeholders will be the best that they can be and continue to practice excellence in all fields of what we do. IFMA also ensures that everyone has the right to education and sport regardless of gender or social standing.
Fair Play
The provision of a level playing field for competition, encouraging sportsmanship, efficiency, and transparency in the operations of IFMA, as well as strict adherence to the World Anti-Doping Code. To have it practiced as much outside the competition area as it is inside the ring. Muaythai practitioners should rather fail in honour than win in dishonesty. Fair play must be demonstrated between the athletes through the absence of doping; referees and judges must ensure that the true victor’s hand will be raised; sport integrity and the ethical behaviour must remain the centre of our sport.