Not many martial arts have their own special day, and Muaythai Day is celebrated around the world. The Czech Muaythai Association, a very active member of IFMA, has launched the official start of their Sport is Your Gang together with the Duchcov Children’s home.
Czech Muaythai President Petr Ottich stated that giving back is a very important part of Muaythai and ensuring that kids have a fair start in life is one of the social program’s main goals. Czech Muaythai will continue to play their part to use Muaythai as a foundation to do good for society and the smiles in the children’s face makes it all worthwhile.
A special thank you goes to the coaches: Jaroslav Hodina, Michal Novák, Martin Žvachta and Radek Veselý who were took care for the children and youth during the special day, and also to everyone else in the Czech Muaythai Association for their part in organizing the event!