A special ceremony was held in the city of Rome to light and handover the Flame of Peace, an important symbol towards the EU Games, which we are all looking forward to the opening ceremony on June 21st in Krakow.
At the beautiful Ara Pacis Museum, which has been built in the 9th year BC and is named the Altar of Peace, Polish President Andrzej Duda and the President of the European Olympic Committee, Spyros Capralos, greeted the delegation with great enthusiasm, and certainly the muaythai delegation was there in bright, making their debut at the European Games. More than 7000 athletes will participate in the EU Games and for two weeks Poland will be the sporting heart of Europe.
“Lighting this flame in this extraordinary place, I am truly touched that I am the one to receive this symbol of friendship and sports competition from your hands“ stated Polish President, Andrzej Duda.
Let’s get ready for the European Games!
Red the full story here.