A 3-day Muaythai Exhibition Workshop and fight night built up as the World Grand Prix will be held at Le Palace Du Lac in Vichy, France jointly organized by the Royal Thai government, the Sport Authority of Thailand, the NSDF, the Boxing Board and certainly the Ministry of Tourism and Sport and the world governing body recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), IFMA, and FFKMDA, the sole national federation of France recognized by the National Olympic Committee (NOC) and the French Ministry of Sport.

There will be so many events within the event. Four hundred athletes are expected for the 2-day workshop organized by muaythai superstar, Superbon, 5x IFMA World Champion, World Games Champion and Super-Trainer Gae. Each participant will receive a certificate jointly signed by the Royal Thai government, IFMA and FFKMDA.

The world class 3-day muaythai exhibition will be opened by His Excellency Pipat Ratchakitprakarn, Minister of Tourism and Sport, the Governor of the SAT, Dr. Gongsak Yodmani, the NSDF Fund Manager, Dr. Supranee Guptasa, the UTS President, Stephan Fox and the President of the French Muaythai Federation, Mr. Nadir Allouache.

Many VIPs will join from the NOC, Sports Ministry, Royal Thai Embassy and the list goes on. The exhibition will showcase 1000 years of traditions of muaythai from the ancient days to IOC recognition and the world wide muaythai teaching curriculum with the different disciplines of muaythai.

On the 28th and 29th, the ring will showcase world class matches and special meetings will take place between the Royal Thai government, French government and the National Olympic to see how muaythai could be showcased during the Paris Olympic Games in 2024.

Congratulations to everyone who will participate in this event.

For tickets go to: Muay Thai workshop with Superbon and Trainer Gae