The Turkish Muaythai Federation under President Halil Durna, and the Vice President of European Muaythai Federation and IFMA executive board member has become one of the leading European National Federations.
Love for muaythai on the national level plus governmental support multiplied by great organisation has given Tuerkish Muaythai this status.
The beautiful city of Aydın is hosting the 2016 Turkish Muaythai Championships again on the highest level as IFMA demands it from all member federations . More than 1000 athletes, accompanied by coaches and officials, are competing this year in three rings with audiences creating an atmosphere athletes will remember forever.
Mayor and Regional Governor of Sake and the Sport Director of Aydın visited the opening ceremony and said that he was surprised by the popularity of muaythai. All the seats of the venue were taken with many more spectators filling up spaces to see the opening ceremony consisting of national dances, traditional music and anticipating the first matches.
Hasan Yildiz, the driving force of the Turkish Muaythai Federation and its Vice President stated that – 2016 will be a year full of muaythai events on the international level. World Championships in Sweden, Youth Championships in Thailand, and European Championships in Croatia have boosted the excitement of the muaythai community in Turkey. Taking advantage of the school holiday in Turkey we gathered junior athletes and combined it with senior male and female competition which created a true muaythai festival on the streets of Aydin.
Dr Erdogan Aydin Chairman of IFMA medical commission stated that again the athletes are the centre of all accommodation, food from highest standard, safety priority, fair play the key. Over 1000 participants from 81 regions have come to Aydin with one goal – to win the gold medal and qualify to the international championships held by IFMA and EMF this year and have the chance to participate in the 2017 World Games under patronage of the IOC in Poland.
May the best athletes win!