After the success of the 2022/2023 RWS World Series in which two of the champions, Capitan and Thananchai, have just come back from the World Combat Games 2023 in Riyadh, with shiny medals, the RWS fight night continues with the recurrent talent who continue to make their mark on the world stage.

Saturday, November the 4th will see a packed house at RWS with IFMA and Omnoi Champion, Ruach Gordan taking on Leo Rosouro, Petchkantat taking on Arkam Haddad, Reza taking on Beckham, Thai sensation Nongpor taking on Anne Linh Nguyen and for the main event, for the first time ever, two foreign fighters will compete for the Rajadamnern Stadium Welterweight Title: Turkish superstar, Erdem Dincer from Turkey against Italian sensation, Ruben La Pira.

International fighters who have held the Rajadamnern Stadium Welterweight title in the past have been muaythai icons such as Sajad Sattari (2023), Fabio Pinca (2017) Jos Mendonca (2013) and Kozo Takeda (2001).

This will also be one of the first qualification series for the Kings Cup and it shows once again, the importance within the muaythai sporting pyramid where athletes can compete at the highest Olympic level within Olympic recognized multi-sport events and then return to the elite professional events at the most prestigious stadiums, like Rajadamnern Stadium, to compete against the best of the best.
Good luck to all the athletes!