Mauritius was the host of the 2022 Indian Ocean Championships organised by the Mauritius Muaythai Federation under the Presidency of Sham Seetaram.

The event took place in the Cote d’Or National Sports Complex stadium which boasts world-class sporting facilities and was opened by his Excellency the Minister of Youth Empowerment Sports & Recreation, Mr Stephan Toussaint.

Athletes from the home country of Mauritius, Le Reunion and Madagasgar took place in this important event which was also an official Indian Ocean qualifying round for the World Games 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama.

The President of the Mauritius Muaythai Federation Sham Seeratam stated that Mauritius is the headquarters of the Indian Ocean Muaythai Federation and I am proud of the cooperation between all the Indian Ocean countries and the full support of the Mauritius government and the Youth Empowerment Sports & Recreation Ministry.

The 2-day event saw a very close contest but in the end, it was the final performance in the superheavyweight bout which gave Mauritius the 3 to 2 overall trophy showcasing the continued development of Mauritian muaythai and the Mauritian Muaythai Federation.

IFMA would like to congratulate all the athletes that took part in this amazing event.