After being granted provisional recognition in April 2014, the International Ski Mountaineering Federation (ISMF) has been granted full recognition by the International Olympic Committee at the 129th IOC Session in Rio.
IFMA would like to congratulate ISMF, under the leadership of President Armando Marriott. AIMS President and IFMA Secretary General Stephan Fox, was present at the announcement in Rio to congratulate the sport.
The full official recognition of ISMF is great motivation and inspiration for the 23 members of AIMS, which muaythai is a member of, that are working towards earning such a spot in the Olympic Family. This is also the third sport from AIMS that has gained official IOC recognition showing the close cooperation between AIMS, ARISF and IOC.
Congratulations to the Ski Mountaineering family, to the executives and all the athletes for all their handwork.