Rajadamnern Stadium, Thailand’s oldest and most established stadium, renewed their MoU with IFMA.

This MoU is an important step towards opportunity towards the IFMA athletes of the world as the RWS World Series is already dominated by IFMA World Champions from around the world such as: Daniel Rodriguez, Thananchai Sitsongpeenong, Capitan Petchyindee, Yodwicha Por Boonsit, Sajad Venum Muaythai, Reza Venum Muaythai, Sevgi Dogan, Zehra Dogan and many more.

Full gender equality is also an important article within the MoU which includes that females will receive equal opportunity as their male counterparts. IFMA’s champions can have the opportunity to participate to win for prize money totaled over 20 million baht in this year’s world series for the participants in the tournament, which is the highest amount to ever be paid.

The IFMA world executive board went to RWS to meet the leadership and a special token was given by IFMA to Khun Thainchai Pisitwuttinan, CEO and Co-founder at Global Sport Ventures (GSV).
The MoU was signed between IFMA President Dr. Sakchye Tapsuwan and Khun Thainchaii Pisitwuttinan in the presence of representatives of the Sport Authority of Thailand, National Sports Development Fund and over 100 IFMA member countries.

Dr. Sakchaye Tapsuwan stated that Rajadamnern Stadium is fully aligned with IFMA’s policy of safeguarding the athletes, antidoping, gender equality and universality.