The IFMA YWC is with no doubt, one of IFMA’s flagship events bringing together youth from all five continents in sporting, cultural and educational exchange. IFMA believes in unity in diversity which is based on one of the most important foundational philosophies of respect – respecting social cultures and backgrounds, gender and opinions, IFMA enhances these important foundations and philosophies not only in competition but also cultural and educational aspects. Each and every member of the Muaythai family must be free of discrimination of any kind. We must give a fair chance to each and every individual, especially our youth.
The athletes are the heart of the Muaythai and IFMA movement. They are our ambassadors on and off the field of play promoting our values and living them. The Youth World Championships of Malaysia will be just that once again in bringing the youth together including over 300 youth from challenged social backgrounds, displaced youth and youth which we must honor for their remarkable personal determination and perseverance, who have overcome immense challenges and youth who humble us day by day with their courage and talent. IFMA believes in the true power of sport to bring hope, to heal and to change lives.
One hundred-sixty youth will come from the deep south of Thailand, sixty youth from the displaced centers of Malaysia and over one hundred will come from around the world – all of them under one unified IFMA flag joining the youth from over 90 countries in the celebration of the Olympic Values of friendship, fair play and excellence.