Pan America #MuaythaiConnected
The Pan-American Confederation of Muaythai have been working informally during the quarantine in favor of the strengthening of Muaythai in the region.
In these talks, David Gonzalez, President of the Colombian Muaythai Federation, noticed Pan-America had a lot of history to tell and took the liberty to research these untold secrets of Pan America. This is how “Muaythai Capsules” was born, short articles showcasing the untold story of Latin and Histpanic roots of Muaythai. In the future, the Pan-American Confederation of Muaythai hopes to look for sponsors to publish a book once enough investigation and information have been collected.
Another topic discussed was athlete in-activity. Due to the concern of Pan-American fighters’ in-activity due to lack of proper training facilities, one-on-one training and competition, Pan-America hosted their first webinar where 6 coaches from all over Pan-America joined forces to train Pan-American Athletes virtually.
The initiative was a good start as their first webinar gathered 64 athletes throughout Pan-America. Discussions took place post-webinar and one conclusion drawn from these meetings was that Pan-America possessed many elite and highly decorated female muaythai athletes. To highlight and celebrate the Female Champions of Pan-America, what blossomed was the fruits of the second muaythai webinar.
Last Sunday April 26, 2020, history was made with a muaythai home workout webinar with some of the most influential female fighters in Muaythai. The goal in hosting this seminar was to have these elite female athletes combine forces and highlight their hard work and achievements in representing Pan-America on a global scale. Muaythai has a transformative power and these champions certainly motivated and inspired 80+ Muaythai enthusiasts of all ages all over the world who participated in this webinar.
The leaders of the webinar workout included:
Janet Todd: The World Games Bronze Medalist, Two time IFMA Pan-American Gold Medallist and One FC World Champion
Nili Block: Four time IFMA Gold Medalist, The World Games Silver Medalist and WAKO World Champion, IFMA Athletes’ Commission Member.
Marcela Soto: Muaythai World Champion with over 100 professional fights
Julieta Ortiz: One of the best Mexican up and coming female fighters, IFMA Atheltes’ Commission Member.
Malena Garcia: One of the best Argentinian up and coming female fighters.
With Special guests: Janice Lyn, Chair of the IFMA Athletes’ Commission and Farinaz Lari (WAKO Champion) from Canada.
A truly wonderful start to an amazing project which falls in line with IFMA’s #MuaythaiConnects initiative. During a time where we are physically forced to distance ourselves, #MuaythaiConnects encourages the entire world to be more socially engaging through our online resources to stay united and strong to beat Covid-19 together in solidarity.
All over the world, our leaders are providing platforms where their athletes can continue to thrive and excel. This is IFMA, this is Muaythai, placing the athletes at the heart so that we stay strong and resilient, adapting to our environment and the changing times of our world as One World, One Muaythai.
Thank you David Gonzalez for your leadership, creativity and the passion driving your projects. David, promises a really exciting upcoming webinar in the coming weeks so stay tuned as this is a Webinar you won’t want to miss!