As part of the ongoing partnership between IFMA and Mission89 a webinar was held yesterday with the aim to further the understanding of human trafficking and how it occurs in and through sport. Importantly, it sought to empower safeguarding officers and other officials and staff who work in the sport industry to build a protective environment for children and young adults in order to practice sport safely. As a former member of the Alliance of Independent Recognised Members of Sport (AIMS), the IFMA had extended an invitation to all the AIMS member federations to benefit from the important content conveyed in the webinar.

The webinar was delivered by two of Mission89’ #NotInOurGame campaign advocates, Dr May Ikeora (Trafficking in Persons Advisor, Mission 89) and Daniele Canepa (Campaign Coordinator, Mission 89).


Mission 89 is a Research, Education, and Advocacy organisation inspired by the 1989 United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child. The organisation works with other sport and non-sport regulatory policies in efforts to combat child trafficking. For this specific agenda, IFMA’s safeguarding policies that aim to protect the best interest of children and ensure a conducive environment around them, alongside the International Olympic Committee principles prohibiting the exploitation of young athletes and ensuring they are protected from unscrupulous recruiters and agents serve as the core basis for the partnership.


The main objectives of the webinar were:


  • To define and distinguish the difference between trafficking in and through sport.
  • To detail the mechanisms by which human trafficking occurs in and through sport.
  • To provide a multi-stakeholder approach to tackling the issue of human trafficking in and through sport.
  • To provide a framework ensuring duty bearers act in ways that will protect minors and other vulnerable groups (e.g., at-risk persons susceptible to deception and or exploitation).
  • To provide a framework that protects Member Association administrators, technical officials, and coaches within clubs/teams as they carry out their everyday tasks.



IFMA wishes to extend deepest gratitude to the facilitators and Mission89 under the leadership of its founder and director Lerina Bright for delivering this important educational and awareness raising webinar.