Over 1000 athletes and officials from over 40 European countries thanked the Turkish Muaythai Federation and the city of Istanbul for a record-breaking outstanding week.

Besides the competition, there were so many important conferences including the European General Assembly, the European Athlete Anti-Doping Conference and the list goes on.

Technical Delegate of the event, Dr. Erdogan Aydin stated that this event had the highest standard than any previous European Championship and the spirit of fair play once again shone with not one single protest, highlighting the excellence of the judges and referees.

Chair of the IFMA Athletes’ Commission, Janice Lyn, stated that Europe is now the leading powerhouse of Muaythai showcased not only in the youth, but also at the elite level in both male and female divisions.

IFMA Director General, Charissa Tynan, praised the overall organization starting from transport, hotel accommodations, food, training facilities, venue, which all had been outstanding for the athletes. She thanked the Turkish Muaythai Federation and Hasan Yildiz on behalf of IFMA. She also praised the medical team where the athletes had very little injuries during the competition, but also commended the strict and professional Covid testing and protocols throughout the tournament.

President Hasan Yildiz thanked the national federations, IFMA, the ITOs and above all, the athletes and applauded the spirit of the athletes in their acts of fair play and respect. He stated that although we are living in a fragile world, the athlete’s showcased once again that respecting each other on and off the field of play is possible.

He extended his heartfelt thanks to the amazing support of the National Sport Development Fund (NSDF) of Thailand for their incredible support to ensure that the cultural aspects of Muaythai were showcased to the highest standard by their sponsorship to bring 3 Pi Muay bands for the entire competition and an amazing Muay Boran demonstration team to perform at the Opening Ceremony.