Sport must always be a beacon of hope and now more than ever, the youth of the world must not have opportunities taken from them and this is why the Palestine Youth Muaythai Championship was an important event on all levels.

IFMA does not involve itself in politics. Our focus is that athletes, regardless of abilities, circumstances, must have the right to participate in sport.

The IFMA National Youth Team and youth leaders were invited to Bangkok for a 3-week camp and the Palestine Youth Championships took place with over 300 youth, including youth of different abilities participating to book their place for the IFMA Youth World Championships.

During these troubled times, we all can be proud as this was one of the only sports which organized a national championship and these efforts are more important than ever. IFMA would like to thank the National Olympic Committee of Palestine, the Palestine Muaythai Federation under the leadership of Mr. Shaker al Sharouf and everyone who contributed to this event.

Championships have also taken place in Ukraine and Sudan and the world is looking forward to the Youth World Championships in Bangkok 2024.
Let us all stand united in using sport for peace.