All teams arrived to the Chungju and a beautiful Kensington Hotel located in the mountains of the town.
The day started with the traditional medical check and the weigh in where participants could finalise their aptitude before they step in the ring tomorrow. Participants from all over the world gathered for the first time turning the hotel hall into an international martial arts forum.
The Chair of the IFMA Medical Commission Mr. Erdogan Aydin said that the teams have truly became professional in their approach to the medical examinations, blood tests and doping control. The awareness of the athletes for their health and safety is growing and it’s clear that the conferences and meetings IFMA holds at every event give its fruits in negative injury rates and doping cases.
IFMA implements strict policies to ensure that athletes make the weight category without any risk to their health with dehydration and physical tests required before registeration.
The following stop is the draw of the names which will give the world the bout schedule for the entire event. With the IFMA registration platform it is now easy to for teams to check their divisions and for spectators follow their countries.