Saturday the 1st of July marked the official launch of the Bangkok opening for Sport is Your Gang, IFMA’s initiative in cooperation and under patronage of Peace and Sport which is under the high patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco. Two years ago, IFMA won the Spirit of Sport Award for this initiative, which now has over 20 countries with active projects, with Mexico leading with over 2000 children engaged.
The Bangkok project was done in cooperation with other sports, such as basketball, sepaktakraw, volleyball, table tennis, badminton and certainly muaythai. The kids play area is protectively fenced-in and is over 250 meters long, with even more room for other sports. Right to Play was also there to support and will hopefully co-host the next edition. All federations were there to support the launch, the opening was also done in conjunction with the Olympic Day. IFMA and UNESCO will work together to sustain the project and make it a regular event, contributing to the positive development of youth in peri-urban areas of Bangkok.

General Hemmarat Khamnin, Chairman of the Foundation delivered the report to all delegates that included more than 20 representatives of Embassies and the Royal Thai Government; followed by the representative of the National Olympic Committee of Thailand, Dr. Varin; then the IFMA General Secretary Stephan Fox, addressed the children, that this is now their place, their home, to make use of it. Representative of UNESCO, Caroline Tresise, praised the cooperation of IFMA and UNESCO towards a better tomorrow. The representative of UN Habitat, Dominic Sett stated that this was an amazing initiative, showcasing how urban space can be used for the good of society, before Niamh De Loughry from Right to Play announced the future cooperation of RTP, SIYG and UNESCO.
Austrian Ambassador, HE Mr. Enno Drofenik, congratulated IFMA and all sports on this wonderful initiative before the president of the WMC, General Chetta Thanajaro officially cut the ribbon.
The event and facilities were later listed by WMC and IFMA’s Honorary President, General Pichitr Kullavanijaya and all embassies enjoyed a 45 minutes of Muaythai training with a special token award to HE Mr. Drofenik for his participation and in leading the training.
After this, it was play time for the kids and the many kids joined the sporting facilities for muaythai to table tennis, sepaktakraw, volleyball and basketball, now another place has been opened under this campaign.
We would also like to thank all the sponsors  especially FBT, MTG and Fight Life  for their general support.