On 12th October, His Majesti Rahyang Mandalajati Evi Silviadi Sanggabuana – King of Galuh Pakuan Kingdom warmly awaited the arrival of the IFMA Culture & Heritage Commission members, Chairman Dr Thavorn (THA) and Senior International Instructor of R&J’s Ajarn Ryan (GBR) to Indonesia and the Assessment of all National Technical Officials.

The Commission was greeted on arrival at the airport by Vice President Bayu and Head of R&J’s Mr Yoppy who quickly ushered us to the official hotel in Subang, where some 90 Technical Officials and Team Coach’s awaited commencement of the seminars.

The 3- day long seminars have been organised 2 days prior, to prepare the Technical Officials of IFMA’s re-newed member federation in Indonesia for their National Championship event.

The seminar kicked off with the Course for coaches delivered by Dr Thavorn – IFMA Chairman of Culture & Heritage Commission:

  • Coach Philosophy
  • Coach Physiology
  • Coach’s Athlete Preparation, Nutritional, Training
  • Muaythai Skill Attack – Punch, Kick, Knee, Elbow, Teep
  • Muaythai Skill Defend – Leg, Body and Head Block, Countering, Parrying and Clinch Defence.

With Mr Yoppy Rusdiman Head of R&J and Mr Bezie Manggala Foreign Liason.

The Opening Ceremony of the National Championships with welcome addresses by Mr Fahrur Razy Vice Chairman I of PBMI (Indonesia Muaythai Association).

Welcoming the Indonesian National Sport Committee, Head of education, Mr Irfan Bachtiar to speak about Fairplay, Education and Sportsmanship.

He discussed the exciting new seaport, airport and monorail connection to Jakarta, soon to be complete early next year, which will bring Subang and West Java to the International world directly.

The Judges Course was delivered by Ajarn Ryan – IFMA Senior International Instructor of R&J’s ensured that the PBMI technical officials were aligned with the current rules & regulations of the IFMA:


  • Introduction to IFMA Technical Officiating
  • Fouls of IFMA Muaythai 1-25
  • Procedure of Referee to step into the Ring;
  • Referee Movement, Posture, Timing, Distance and Commands.

The Team Manager Course delivered by Dr Thavorn covered:

  • Coach’s Athlete Preparation, Nutritional, Training
  • Coach’s Competition Preparation, Analyse, Strategise, Communicate plan
  • Coach’s Post Competition, debriefing, re-evaluation, organisation, replaning

COJ Course Dr Thavorn:

  • The Nine Powers of the Referee

On day 2 Dr Thavorn & Ajarn Ryan delivered the course in the morning for all R&J of Indonesia Muaythai Association that covered:

  • FOP Ring A B C, Why
  • Weigh-in and Weigh-in’s
  • The ‘Draw’
  • Rsports Systems
  • Announcement of Presidents Cup for National Team Selection

The afternoon session was the COJ Course on:

  • Jury Roles & Responsibilities
  • Open Discussion Muslim Faith R&J’s
  • Women Referee of Muslim Faith Procedures

On Day 3 the morning session saw Dr Thavorn delivering another session for the R&Js on:

  • Safety in Muaythai
  • Weight Classifications
  • Knock Downs
  • Tournament Awards

While in the afternoon, Dr Thavorn donned his hat as Chair of the IFMA Cultural & Heritage Commission to deliver the course on:

  • Muaythai, Wai Kru and Mai Muay
  • Competition, Tradition and History