While the muaythai scene in Asia is entering the heat of semi-final bouts at the 4th Asian Beach Games, on the other side of the globe the first Competition Managers & Technical Delegate meeting for the 2017 World Games is taking place in the Polish host city for Wroclaw.
Mr Jose Perurena, IWGA President and IOC member will deliver the welcoming address followed by a welcome by Mr Wojciech Adamski, Deputy Mayor of Wroclaw.
IFMA will be represented by its Head Technical Delegate and President of the Russian Muaythai Federation Dmitry Putilin and Mr. Rafal Szlachta, President of the Polish Muaythai Federation and General Secretary of the European Muaythai Federation.
Both Mr Putilin and Mr Szlachta travelled to Wroclaw directly from a IFMA Technical Meeting that was held in Phuket, Thailand. The focus of the recent Technical Meeting was on making some important updates and clarifications on the IFMA Rules & Regulations to raise the standard and quality of the competition. The meeting was participated by a group of IFMA’s most senior and seasoned Technical Officials, Pavel Yetuvchenko representative of the EMF President Mr Gennady Trukhanov, IFMA General Secretary Stephan Fox, IFMA Sport Director Charissa Tynan and was chaired by IFMA’s esteemed President Dr. Sakchye Tapsuwan.