Doping-Free World Combat Games
Athletes and technical officials participating in the Combat Games are bound to and must comply with the SportAccord Anti-Doping Rules during the Period of the World Combat Games (14 – 26 October 2013). These rules, which are compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code and its International Standards, can be downloaded from the doping-free section of the event website:
Doping Control
SportAccord will conduct in-competition tests as Testing Authority during the event. RUSADA, the Russian National Anti-Doping Organisation, will collect the samples and these will then be analysed by the WADA-accredited laboratory in Moscow. Collection and analysis will be carried out in accordance with the International Standard for Testing, the International Standard for Laboratories and the 2013 Prohibited List.
During the event period, from 14 – 26 October in Saint Petersburg, athletes can be tested at any time or place, urine or blood, with no advance notice. The event testing plan includes finishing placement tests, random tests, pre-competition tests and target tests.
It is each athlete’s personal duty to ensure that no prohibited substance enters his or her body. Athletes are responsible for any prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers found to be present in their samples (see Article 2.1.1 of the Code and the SportAccord Anti-Doping Rules).
Please refer to the event website for more information.
Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs)
The World Anti-Doping Code permits athletes to apply for TUEs, i.e. the permission to use, for therapeutic purposes, substances or methods in the Prohibited List in force where use would otherwise be prohibited.
SportAccord recognises TUEs that have been granted by International Federations (IFs) or National Anti-Doping Organisations (NADOs).
After an athlete submits a duly completed TUE application with the required supporting medical documentation to his or her IF or NADO, it can take up to 30 days to receive the decision of the IF or NADO’s TUE Committee, and a TUE certificate if the application is approved.
For emergency TUEs during the Combat Games, athletes should apply to SportAccord (see the event website for more information or contact
TUEs granted by the SportAccord TUE Committee will only be valid until 26 October 2013.
Results Management
In the case of an Anti-Doping Rule Violation, SportAccord is responsible for the initial results management process and taking the decision of imposing any sanction relating to the World Combat Games, such as disqualification. IFs will manage the imposition of sanctions over and above those relating to the World Combat Games, such as the period of ineligibility.
Information & Education
More information on anti-doping can be found in the doping-free section of the event website (including videos, WADA’s Q&A, an interactive Quiz, etc):
An Outreach stand will also be set up on-site to raise awareness in anti-doping among the athletes and technical officials.
SportAccord uses ADAMS, the online database created by WADA, to record its anti-doping activities.
Contact Person
For any anti-doping question relating to the World Combat Games, please contact Natalie Mills, SportAccord Doping Control Representative (