One of the vital aspects to an IFMA event is the opportunity for cultural exchange and social impact that an event can potentially have in its host city. To in some way, leave a legacy behind, no matter how big or small. This morning, athletes made visits to various public schools in Minsk to engage with the local kids, exchanging stories and experiences of one another’s cultures.

The IFMA delegations were warmly welcomed with traditional Belarusian folk songs, hymns beautifully sung by the children who were excited to meet and greet their athlete heroes. Poetic recitals of original compositions showcasing the national pride of their beloved Belarus.

The children were excited to showcase their sports facilities, varsity medals, trophies and champions after engaging in some Q&A among interested athletes and school kids alike.

Athletes shared their stories and journeys which inspired the children whose dreams were to one day compete at the highest levels in their respective sports.